Wellness Services

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Wellness Services

Brain – Fit
Drive – Fit
Community Wellness
Massage Services

It is no secret an active lifestyle is the key to health. Keystone Rehab Services offers Key-Fit, a one on one fitness program to maintain your progress from skilled therapy, or for those just looking to stay active. Our gym is open for wellness memberships at a minimal monthly cost for independent workouts and our Key-Fit sessions can be taught at our clinic or at your home.

A Wellness Program that combines Memory Training, and Fitness to increase Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Learn more about BDNF and its ability to protect and enhance our brain function.

Our Team of Skilled Therapists have come together to create a unique Personalized Wellness Program specifically designed for The Beginning Stages of Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Brain-Fit is directed by licensed Physical and Occupational Therapists and can be performed at our Clinic or in the comfort of your own home.

Driving can be the key to a senior’s independence; however, the CDC indicates that each day approximately 20 Seniors are killed in a motor vehicle accident and an additional 700 are injured. KRS is dedicated to keeping our Seniors safe and aging in place, and that includes on the roads.

Our evidenced based clinical assessment is designed to provide physicians, patients and or family members an objective Driving Risk Evaluation.

Beat the quarantine blues with a comprehensive in-house therapy team

COVID has brought a new set of problems for our ALFs. Finding a way to keep your residents safe yet beating the negative affects of isolation. Our gym provides a safe clean environment for residents to get the exercise they need for both their physical and mental health during these trying times.

With over 15 years of experience in Senior Settings, our expert clinicians are dedicated to your residents and provide patient centered services through outpatient and home health:

Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Wellness Services
Staff training
Small Group Exercise Classes
Health Talks / Activities

Coming Soon

We take a goal-oriented approach to healing

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